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HomeHealthcareGet Began With Terraform and Cisco Modeling Labs

Get Began With Terraform and Cisco Modeling Labs

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a scorching subject as of late, and the IaC software of alternative is Terraform by HashiCorp. Terraform is a cloud provisioning product that gives infrastructure for any utility. You’ll be able to discuss with a protracted checklist of suppliers for any goal platform. 

Terraform’s checklist of suppliers now contains Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) 2, so we are able to use Terraform to regulate digital community infrastructure operating on CML2. Hold studying to learn to get began with Terraform and CML, from the preliminary configuration by means of its superior options. 

How does Terraform work? 

Terraform makes use of code to explain the specified state of the required infrastructure and monitor this state over the infrastructure’s lifetime. This code is written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). If it adjustments, Terraform figures out all of the variations (state adjustments) to replace the infrastructure and assist attain the brand new state. Finally, when the infrastructure isn’t wanted anymore, Terraform can destroy it. 

A Terraform supplier presents sources (issues which have state) and knowledge sources (read-only knowledge with out state).

In CML2 phrases, examples embrace: 

  • Assets: Labs, nodes, hyperlinks 
  • Information sources: Labs, nodes, and hyperlinks, in addition to obtainable nodes and picture definitions, obtainable bridges for exterior connectors, and consumer lists and teams, and so on. 

NOTE: At the moment, only some knowledge sources are applied. 

Getting began with Terraform and CML

To get began with Terraform and CML, you’ll want the next: 

Outline and initialize a workspace 

First, we’ll create a brand new listing and alter it as follows: 

$ mkdir tftest
$ cd tftest 

All of the configuration and state required by Terraform stays on this listing. 

The code snippets offered want to enter a Terraform configuration file, usually a file known as Nonetheless, configuration blocks can be unfold throughout a number of information, as Terraform will mix all information with the .tf extension within the present working listing. 

The next code block tells Terraform that we wish to use the CML2 supplier. It would obtain and set up the newest obtainable model from the registry at initialization. We add this to a brand new file known as 

terraform {
  required_providers {
    cml2 = {
      supply  = ""

With the supplier outlined, we are able to now initialize the setting. This may obtain the supplier binary from the Hashicorp registry and set up it on the native laptop. It would additionally create numerous information and a listing that holds extra Terraform configuration and state. 

$ terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing supplier plugins...
- Discovering newest model of ciscodevnet/cml2...
- Putting in ciscodevnet/cml2 v0.4.1...
- Put in ciscodevnet/cml2 v0.4.1 (self-signed, key ID A97E6292972408AB)

Companion and neighborhood suppliers are signed by their builders.
If you would like to know extra about supplier signing, you'll be able to examine it right here:

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to file the supplier
picks it made above. Embrace this file in your model management repository in order that Terraform can assure to make the identical picks by default whenever you run "terraform init" sooner or later.

Terraform has been efficiently initialized!

You might now start working with Terraform. Strive operating "terraform plan" to see
any adjustments which are required on your infrastructure. All Terraform instructions
ought to now work.

If you happen to ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working listing. If you happen to neglect, different instructions will detect it and remind you to take action if needed.

Configure the supplier 

The CML2 terraform supplier wants credentials to entry CML2. These credentials are configured as proven within the following instance. In fact, deal with, username and password must match the precise setting: 

supplier "cml2" {
  deal with     = "https://cml-controller.cml.lab"
  username    = "admin"
  password    = "supersecret"
  # skip_verify = true

The skip_verify is commented out within the instance. You may wish to uncomment it to work with the default certificates that’s shipped with the product, which is signed by the Cisco CML CA. Take into account putting in a trusted certificates chain on the controller. 

Whereas the above works OK, it’s not advisable to configure clear-text credentials in information which may find yourself in supply code administration (SCM). A greater method is to make use of setting variables, ideally together with some tooling like direnv. As a prerequisite, the variables have to be outlined throughout the configuration: 

variable "deal with" {
  description = "CML controller deal with"
  sort        = string
  default     = "https://cml-controller.cml.lab"

variable "username" {
  description = "cml2 username"
  sort        = string
  default     = "admin"

variable "password" {
  description = "cml2 password"
  sort        = string
  delicate   = true

NOTE: Including the “delicate” attribute ensures that this worth shouldn’t be printed in any output. 

We now can create a direnv configuration to insert values from the setting into our supplier configuration by making a .envrc file. You can even obtain this by manually “sourcing” this file utilizing supply .envrc. The advantage of direnv is that this mechanically occurs when turning into the listing. 


export TF_VAR_username TF_VAR_password TF_VAR_address 

This decouples the Terraform configuration information from the credentials/dynamic values in order that they will simply be added to SCM, like Git, with out exposing delicate values, equivalent to passwords or addresses. 

Outline the CML2 lab infrastructure 

With the essential configuration carried out, we are able to now describe our CML2 lab infrastructure. Now we have two choices: 

  1. Import-mode 
  1. Outline-mode 


This imports an present CML2 lab YAML topology file as a Terraform lifecycle useful resource. That is the “one-stop” resolution, defining all nodes, hyperlinks and interfaces in a single go. As well as, you need to use Terraform templating to interchange properties of the imported lab (see beneath). 

Import-mode instance 

Right here’s a easy import-mode instance: 

useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" {
  topology = file("topology.yaml")

The file topology.yaml can be imported into CML2 after which began. We now must “plan” the change: 

$ terraform plan

Terraform used the chosen suppliers to generate the next execution plan. Useful resource actions are indicated with the next symbols:
  + create

Terraform will carry out the next actions:

  # cml2_lifecycle.this can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" {
      + booted   = (identified after apply)
      + id       = (identified after apply)
      + lab_id   = (identified after apply)
      + nodes    = {
        } -> (identified after apply)
      + state    = (identified after apply)
      + topology = (delicate worth)

Plan: 1 so as to add, 0 to alter, 0 to destroy.

Then apply it (-auto-approve is a short-cut and needs to be dealt with with care): 

$ terraform apply -auto-approve
Terraform used the chosen suppliers to generate the next execution plan. Useful resource actions are indicated with the next symbols:
  + create
Terraform will carry out the next actions:

  # cml2_lifecycle.this can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" {
      + booted   = (identified after apply)
      + id       = (identified after apply)
      + lab_id   = (identified after apply)
      + nodes    = {
        } -> (identified after apply)
      + state    = (identified after apply)
      + topology = (delicate worth)

Plan: 1 so as to add, 0 to alter, 0 to destroy.
cml2_lifecycle.this: Creating...
cml2_lifecycle.this: Nonetheless creating... [10s elapsed]
cml2_lifecycle.this: Nonetheless creating... [20s elapsed]
cml2_lifecycle.this: Creation full after 25s [id=b75992ec-d345-4638-a6fd-2c0b640a3c22]

Apply full! Assets: 1 added, 0 modified, 0 destroyed.

We are able to now take a look at the state: 

$ terraform present
# cml2_lifecycle.this:
useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" {
    booted   = true
    id       = "b75992ec-d345-4638-a6fd-2c0b640a3c22"
    nodes    = {
        # (3 unchanged parts hidden)
    state    = "STARTED"
    topology = (delicate worth)
$ terraform console
> keys(cml2_lifecycle.this.nodes)
> cml2_lifecycle.this.nodes["0504773c-5396-44ff-b545-ccb734e11691"].interfaces[0].ip4[0]
> exit  

Easy import instance with a template 

This instance is much like the one above, however this time we import the topology utilizing templatefile(), which permits templating of the topology. Assuming that the CML2 topology YAML file begins with 

  description: "description"
  notes: "notes"
  timestamp: 1606137179.2951126
  title: ${toponame}
  model: 0.0.4
  - id: n0

then utilizing this HCL 

useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" {
  topology = templatefile("topology.yaml", { toponame = "yolo lab" })

will change the title: ${toponame} from the YAML with the content material of the string “yolo lab” at import time. Be aware that as a substitute of a string literal, it’s completely effective to make use of a variable like var.toponame or different HCL options! 

Outline-mode utilization 

Outline-mode begins with the definition of a lab useful resource after which provides node and hyperlink sources. On this mode, sources will solely be created. If we wish to management the runtime state (e.g., begin/cease/wipe the lab), then we have to hyperlink these parts to a lifecycle useful resource. 

Right here’s an instance: 

useful resource "cml2_lab" "this" {

useful resource "cml2_node" "ext" {
  lab_id         =
  nodedefinition = "external_connector"
  label          = "Web"
  configuration  = "bridge0"

useful resource "cml2_node" "r1" {
  lab_id         =
  label          = "R1"
  nodedefinition = "alpine"

useful resource "cml2_link" "l1" {
  lab_id =
  node_a =
  node_b =

This may create the lab, the nodes, and the hyperlink between them. With out additional configuration, nothing can be began. If these sources needs to be began, then you definately’ll want a CML2 lifecycle useful resource: 

useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "prime" {
  lab_id =
  parts = [,,,

Right here’s what this appears like after making use of the mixed plan. 

NOTE: For brevity, some attributes are omitted and have been changed by […]: 

$ terraform apply -auto-approve

Terraform used the chosen suppliers to generate the next execution plan. Useful resource actions are indicated with the next symbols:
  + create

Terraform will carry out the next actions:

  # cml2_lab.this can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_lab" "this" {
      + created     = (identified after apply)
      + description = (identified after apply)
      + teams      = [
        ] -> (identified after apply)
      + id          = (identified after apply)
      + title       = (identified after apply)

  # can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_lifecycle" "prime" {
      + booted   = (identified after apply)
      + parts = [
          + (known after apply),
          + (known after apply),
          + (known after apply),
      + id       = (identified after apply)
      + lab_id   = (identified after apply)
      + nodes    = {
        } -> (identified after apply)
      + state    = (identified after apply)

  # cml2_link.l1 can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_link" "l1" {
      + id               = (identified after apply)
      + interface_a      = (identified after apply)
      + interface_b      = (identified after apply)
      + lab_id           = (identified after apply)
      + label            = (identified after apply)
      + link_capture_key = (identified after apply)
      + node_a           = (identified after apply)
      + node_a_slot      = (identified after apply)
      + node_b           = (identified after apply)
      + node_b_slot      = (identified after apply)
      + state            = (identified after apply)

  # cml2_node.ext can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_node" "ext" {
      + configuration   = (identified after apply)
      + cpu_limit       = (identified after apply)
      + cpus            = (identified after apply)
      + x               = (identified after apply)
      + y               = (identified after apply)

  # cml2_node.r1 can be created
  + useful resource "cml2_node" "r1" {
      + configuration   = (identified after apply)
      + cpu_limit       = (identified after apply)
      + cpus            = (identified after apply)
      + x               = (identified after apply)
      + y               = (identified after apply)

Plan: 5 so as to add, 0 to alter, 0 to destroy.
cml2_lab.this: Creating...
cml2_lab.this: Creation full after 0s [id=306f3ebf-c819-4b89-a99d-138a58ca7195]
cml2_node.ext: Creating...
cml2_node.r2: Creating...
cml2_node.ext: Creation full after 1s [id=32f187bf-4f53-462a-8e36-43cd9b6e17a4]
cml2_node.r2: Creation full after 1s [id=5d59a0d3-70a1-45a1-9b2a-4cecd9a4e696]
cml2_link.l1: Creating...
cml2_link.l1: Creation full after 0s [id=a083c777-abab-47d2-95c3-09d897e01d2e] Creating... Nonetheless creating... [10s elapsed] Nonetheless creating... [20s elapsed] Creation full after 22s [id=306f3ebf-c819-4b89-a99d-138a58ca7195]

Apply full! Assets: 5 added, 0 modified, 0 destroyed.


The parts lifecycle attribute is required to tie the person nodes and hyperlinks into the lifecycle useful resource. This ensures the proper sequence of operations based mostly on the dependencies between the sources. 

NOTE: It’s not potential to make use of each import and parts on the similar time. As well as, when importing a topology utilizing the topology attribute, a lab_id can’t be set. 

Superior utilization 

The lifecycle useful resource has a couple of extra configuration parameters that management superior options. Right here’s an inventory of these parameters and what they do: 

  • configs is a map of strings. The keys are node labels, and the values are node configurations. When these are current, the supplier will examine for all node labels to see whether or not they’re matching and, if they’re, change the node’s configuration with the offered configuration. This lets you “inject” configurations right into a topology file. The bottom topology file might haven’t any configurations, wherein case the precise configurations could be offered by way of an instance file(“node1-config”) or a literal configuration string, as proven right here: 
configs = {
 "node-1": file("node1-config")
 "node-2": "hostname node2"
  • staging defines the node begin sequence when the lab is began. Node tags are used to attain this. Right here’s an instance: 
staging = {
    levels = ["infra", "core", "site-1"]
    start_remaining = true

The given instance ensures that nodes with the tag “infra” are began first. The supplier waits till all nodes with this tag are marked as “booted.” Then, all nodes with the tag “core” are began, and so forth. If, after the top of the stage checklist, there are nonetheless stopped nodes, then the start_remaining flag determines whether or not they need to stay stopped or needs to be began as nicely (the default is true, e.g., they’ll all be began). 

  • state defines the runtime state of the lab. By default that is STARTED, which implies the lab can be began. Choices are STARTED, STOPPED, and DEFINED_ON_CORE 

–    STARTED is the default 

–    STOPPED could be set if the lab is at the moment began, in any other case it is going to produce a failure 

–    DEFINED_ON_CORE is wiping the lab if the present state is both STARTED or STOPPED 

  • timeouts can be utilized to set totally different timeouts for operations. This could be needed for large labs that take a very long time to start out. The defaults are set to 2h . 
  • wait is a boolean flag, which defines whether or not the supplier ought to watch for convergence (for instance, when the lab begins, and that is set to false, then the supplier will begin the lab however won’t wait till all nodes throughout the lab are “prepared”).
  • id is a read-only computed attribute. A UUIDv4 can be auto-generated at create time and assigned to this ID. 

CRUD operations

Of the 4 primary operations of useful resource administration, create, learn, replace, and delete (CRUD), the earlier sections primarily described the create and browse side. However Terraform may also take care of replace and delete. 

Plans could be modified, new sources could be added, and present sources could be eliminated or modified. That is at all times a results of enhancing/altering your Terraform configuration information after which having Terraform work out the required state adjustments by way of the terraform plan adopted by a terraform apply as soon as you might be happy with these adjustments. 

Updating sources

It’s potential to replace sources, however not each mixture is seamless. Right here are some things to think about: 

  • Only some node attributes could be modified seamlessly; examples are coordinates (x/y), label, and configuration 
  • Some plan adjustments will re-create sources. For instance, operating nodes can be destroyed and restarted is that if the node definition is modified 

Deleting sources

Lastly, a terraform destroy will delete all created sources from the controller. 

Information Sources 

Versus sources, knowledge sources don’t maintain any state. They’re used to learn knowledge from the controller. This knowledge can then be used to reference parts in different knowledge sources or sources. An excellent instance, though not but applied, could be an inventory of obtainable node- and image-definitions. By studying these into a knowledge supply, the HCL defining the infrastructure might take obtainable definitions into consideration. 

There are, nevertheless, a couple of knowledge sources applied: 

  • Node: Reads a node by offering a lab and a node ID 
  • Lab: Reads a lab by offering both a lab ID or a lab title 


All knowledge in sources and knowledge sources can be utilized to drive output from Terraform. A helpful instance within the context of CML2 is the retrieval of IP addresses from operating nodes. Right here’s the best way to do it, assuming that the lifecycle useful resource is known as this and likewise assuming that R1 is ready to purchase an IP deal with by way of an exterior connector: 


Be aware, nevertheless, that output can also be calculated when sources won’t exist, so the above will give an error because of the node not being discovered or the interface checklist being empty. To protect in opposition to this, you need to use HCL: 

output "r1_ip_address" {
  worth = ([].interfaces[0].ip4 == null ?
    "undefined" : (
      size([].interfaces[0].ip4) > 0 ?[].interfaces[0].ip4[0] :
      "no ip"


r1_ip_address = "" 


The CML2 supplier matches properly into the general Terraform eco-system. With the pliability HCL gives and by combining it with different Terraform suppliers, it’s by no means been simpler to automate digital community infrastructure inside CML2. What’s going to you do with these new capabilities? We’re curious to listen to about it! Let’s proceed the dialog on the Cisco Studying Community’s Cisco Modeling Labs Neighborhood.

Single customers should buy Cisco Modeling Labs – Private and Cisco Modeling Labs – Private Plus licenses from the Cisco Studying Community Retailer. For groups, discover CML – Enterprise and CML – Larger Schooling licensing and get in touch with us to learn the way Cisco Modeling Labs can energy your NetDevOps transformation.

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  • https://direnv.web/ 
  • Picture by Dall-E ( 




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